CSS :: West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance 1962

1.  The West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance was enacted on
A. 8th December, 1961 B. 9th January, 1962
C. 8th February, 1962 D. None of above

2.  The West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 consists ______ sections
A. 26 B. 27
C. 28 D. None of above

3.  The West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 contains _____ schedule
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. None of above

4.  Section 2, of the West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance deals with
A. Definitions B. Kinds of Civil Courts
C. Kinds of Court's staffs D. None of above

5.  According to The West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 section 2(a), "Government" means
A. Local Government B. Provincial Government
C. Federal Government D. None of above

6.  As per section 2(b), of The West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, "High Court" means
A. High Court of any province B. High Court of concerned province
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of above

7.  Section 2
A. Suit B. Land
C. Suit land D. None of above

8.  The suits relating to land or to any right or interest in land is called
A. Suit B. Land suit
C. Miscellaneous suits D. None of above

9.  Small cause means of the nature cognizable by the Court of small causes under the Provincial Small Causes Courts Act,
A. 1885 B. 1886
C. 1887 D. None of above

10.  Unclassed suit means a suit which is neither
A. A small cause B. A land suit
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of above

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