CSS :: Pakistan Constitution 1956

11.  Minimm age to become President was held _____, year in 1956 Constitution
A. 35 B. 40
C. 45

12.  According to the Constitution of 1956 there shall be _____ legislature in country
A. Bi cameral B. Uni Cameral
C. Tri Cameral

13.  According to the Constitution of 1956 ______ was the highest Court of country
A. Supreme Court B. Federal Court
C. High Court

14.  According to the Constitution of 1956 _____ were declared as National Languages
A. Urdu and English B. Urdu and Hindi
C. Urdu and Bengali

15.  1956 Constitution provided ______ form of government for the country
A. Unitary B. Federal
C. Both (a) and (b)

16.  The Constitution of 1956 was consisting ______ Articles, and ______, parts
A. 240 Articles 10 parts B. 280 Articles 7 parts
C. 234 Articles 13 parts

17.  Constitution of 1956 _____ part was dealing with Fundament Rights
A. Part one B. Part two
C. Part three

18.  Constitution of 1956 prevails for _________,
A. 2 years B. 2
C. 3 years

19.  The Constitution of 1956 was abrogated on
A. October, 1958 B. June, 1956
C. July, 1956

20.  The Constitution of 1956 was enacted by the assembly in the name of
A. In the name of Islam B. In the name of Pakistan
C. In the name of peoples

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