CSS :: Physical Geography

21.  Rich mineral area in the sea is
A. Enclosed sea - an area of inland drainage B. Deep Sea
C. Slopes D. Shelves

22.  Soils of volcanic origin, where weathering is actively breaking down lavas and liberating the essential plant foods, are most favoured for the cultivation of
A. Coffee B. Tea
C. Sugar beet D. Sugarcane

23.  The difference between sun and shade temperatures is largest in which of the following types of elimates?
A. Amazon B. Tibetan
C. Iran D. Sahara

24.  Anticyclones are so-called because
A. They are systems of divergence and outflow of air B. They have no pressure gradient
C. They move in a direction opposite to that of cyclones D. They destroy the cyclonic conditions.

25.  The Plannetary winds variously known as roaring forties, furious fifties and stormy syxties are
A. Cyclones B. Plar winds
C. Westerlies D. Trade winds

26.  The portion of the atmosphere which extends from the earth's surface tip to 6-8 miles and experiences decrese in temperature at a constant rate is the
A. Troposphere B. Ionosphere
C. Stratosphere D. Tropopause

27.  Which one of the following is not the result of mechanical weathering of rocks?
A. Peeling of the surface layers B. Splitting into grains and gravels
C. Breaking into boulders D. Falling into a powdery mass

28.  When it is noon in India what would be the time in England?
A. 6.30 P.M. B. 2.30 P.M.
C. 2.30 AM. D. 6.30 AM.

29.  High mean temperature, high relative humidity and heavy rainfall (well distributed all over the year) are the characteristic features of the
A. Equatorial region B. Savanna region
C. Monsoon region D. Mediterranean region.

30.  Comets revolve around
A. The Earth B. The Sun
C. The Venus D. No single heavenly body

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