CSS :: Physical Geography

11.  Distance between moon and earth is approximately
A. 4,06,700 km B. 1,00,000 km
C. 12,00,000 km D. 2,50,000 km

12.  Westerlies are
A. Cold winds B. Warm wind-streams
C. Hot winds blowing D. Rain-bearing winds from the west

13.  Horse Latitude is a belt between the
A. 30? - 35? N and S Lat B. 10? - 25? N Lat
C. Around 0? Lat D. 40? - 60? S Lat

14.  The International Date Line refers to
A. The world calendar B. The international boundary between North and South
C. Headquarters 6f the International Court of Justice D. Line of international affairs

15.  What is the right combination of the following in the order of increasing distance from the outermost planet?
A. Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury B. Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury
C. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars D. Venus, Earth, Mercury, Mars

16.  The length of a shadow at noon would be the same all the year round at
A. The Equator B. The South Pole
C. The North Pole D. The Tropic of Cancer

17.  A narrow strip of land, connecting two large areas of land is called
A. A Peninsula B. An Isthmus
C. A Strait D. An Archipelago

18.  The Equator, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn run through the continent of
A. Africa B. Australia
C. South America D. Nor America

19.  The smallest planet is
A. Earth B. Mars
C. Mercury D. Pluto

20.  Bad Lands develop as a result of
A. Weathering of rocks B. Sheet erosion
C. Gully erosion D. None of the above

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