CSS :: Internal Structure of Earth

11.  Mohorovic Discontinuity is the difference of density from:
A. Core to crust B. Mental to core
C. Crust to mental D. Core to mental

12.  The crust accounts for _______ of earth's mass.
A. 1.01% B. 0.02%
C. 0.03% D. 0.04%

13.  Oxygen in earth crust is _______ .
A. 27.70% B. 37.70%
C. 47.70% D. 57.70%

14.  ________ rocks are there in oceanic crust.
A. Hard B. Soft
C. Granite D. Basaltic

15.  If an earthquake occurs at 0 degree P and S waves are recorded everywhere to ______ degrees from its source.
A. 103 B. 104
C. 105 D. 106

16.  An average depth of Sial varies from ______ km.
A. 30-300 B. 40-30
C. 50-300 D. 60-300

17.  The most rigid and crystallize part of earth is _______.
A. Asthenosphere B. Lithosphere
C. Mesosphere D. Centrospheres

18.  According to Jaffery's division the 3rd layer is made up of _________.
A. Dunite & Predolite B. Dioite & Predolite
C. Dunite & Dionte D. Diorite & Thicklite

19.  _______ has divided the entire earth into two broad divisions.
A. R.A. Dally B. Arthur Holmes
C. Suess D. Jeffrey

20.  The proportion of ______ rocks decreases with depth.
A. Silicon B. Iron
C. Lead D. Aluminum

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