CSS :: Countries Currency

41.  The currency of Creech Republic is :
A. Koruna B. Krone
C. Franc D. Colon

42.  The currency of Denmark is :
A. Krone B. Franc
C. Colon D. Yuan

43.  The currency of Djibouti is :
A. Krone B. Franc
C. Dollar D. Pound

44.  The currency of East Timore is :
A. Pound B. Dollar
C. Birr D. Lari

45.  The currency of Ecuador is :
A. Dollar B. Pound
C. Sucre D. Birr

46.  The currency of Egypt is :
A. Birr B. Pound
C. Franc D. Marko

47.  The currency of EI Salvador is :
A. Sucre B. Colon
C. Birr D. Marka

48.  The currency of Eritrea is :
A. Franc B. Nakfa
C. Lari D. Pound

49.  The currency of Estonia is :
A. Franc B. Kroon
C. Dollar D. Pound

50.  The currency of Ethiopia is :
A. Dollar B. Ethiopian Birr
C. Suva D. Franc

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