CSS :: Countries Currency

21.  The currency of Botswana is :
A. Real B. Pula
C. Marks D. Dollar

22.  The currency of Brazil is :
A. Pula B. Real
C. Franc D. Dollar

23.  The currency of Brunei is :
A. Dinar B. Dollar
C. Lev D. Franc

24.  The currency of Bulgaria is :
A. Rile B. Lev
C. Franc D. Dollar

25.  The currency of Burkina Faso is :
A. Franc B. Real
C. Peru D. Kuna

26.  The currency of Cambodia is :
A. Lev B. Rile
C. Franc D. Pula

27.  The currency of Cameroon is :
A. Franc B. Lev
C. Dollar D. Dinar

28.  The currency of Canada is :
A. Pound B. Dollar
C. Euro D. Franc

29.  The currency of Cape Verde is :
A. Dollar B. Escudo
C. Dinar D. Franc

30.  The currency of Chad is :
A. Dollar B. Franc
C. Yuan D. Colon

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