CSS :: Countries Currency

1.  The currency of Afghanistan is :
A. Afghani B. Rupee
C. Ruble D. Dinar

2.  The currency of Albania is :
A. Dram B. Lek
C. Manta D. Dinar

3.  The currency of Algeria is :
A. Franc B. Dollar
C. Dinar D. Suham

4.  The currency of Angola is :
A. Kwanza B. Dollar
C. Dramcha D. Dirham

5.  The currency of Antigua Barbuda is :
A. Dollar B. Pound
C. Dirham D. Taka

6.  The currency of Armenia is :
A. Manta B. Dirham
C. Dinar D. Taka

7.  The currency of Australia is :
A. Australian Dollar B. Euro
C. Manta D. Franc

8.  The currency of Australia is :
A. Euro B. Dinar
C. Taka D. Rubel

9.  The currency of Azerbaijan is :
A. Dinar B. Manat
C. Dollar D. Ruble

10.  The currency of Bahamas is :
A. Manta B. Dollar
C. Taka D. Franc

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