CSS :: Wildlife and its Management

41.  The Forest Act was promulgated in ______ which was later adopted by the Government of Pakistan in toto:
A. 1925 B. 1926
C. 1927 D. 1928

42.  The forest policies having ceased to be relevant were later revised in 1955, and then in _______
A. 1960 B. 1962
C. 1964 D. 1966

43.  Forest Act _______ has new been revised by the authors of Forestry Sector Master Plan:
A. 1925 B. 1926
C. 1927 D. 1938

44.  Wildlife were managed under West Pakistan Wildlife Managment Ordinance _________
A. 1955 B. 1957
C. 1959 D. 1961

45.  Realising the need for a better management policy for wildlife, a high powered Wildlife, a high powered Wildlife Enquiry Committee, constituted by the Government of Pakistan presented their (draft) report in 1970, following which all the provinces and administrative unit promulgated their own Wildlife Act within administrative units promulgated their own Wildlife Act within a span of two years _______
A. 1974 and 1975 B. 1975 and 1976
C. 1976 and 1977 D. None of these

46.  This necessitated the enunciation of newer policy initiatives in 1980, when the wildlife were mentioned for the first time in the broader forest policies:
A. Management of wild lands in accordance with their potential for optimum utilization in various forms, including recreation and wildlife B. Promoting wildlife conservation consistent with other land uses and ensuring that wildlife values are preserved and enhanced
C. Scientific approach for the management of wildlife through wildlife surveys, research and management plans D. Encouraging the creation and development of national park with a view to preserving an example of each of the country's major ecosystems with its endemic fauna and flora intact, and to develop these areas for public recreation and education
E. All of the above    

47.  Realising the need for the conservation of National Resources, the Government of Pakistan with the assistance of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) framed a National Conservation Strategy ________
A. 1992 B. 1993
C. 1994 D. 1995

48.  The salient features of the strategy 1992 relating to wildlife, referred to here as BIODIVERSITY, are:
A. The strategy to improve the situation B. Action Plan
C. Actions/Interventions D. All of the above

49.  The strategy 1992 to improve the situation is:
A. Updating inventory of floral and faunal diversity, reviewing current field research presently undertaken and planning for future to fill in the gaps in the knowledge of bio-diversity in Pakistan B. Indentification of species and delineation of areas of importance with the stand point of biodiversity values
C. Achieve consensus on te long term strategy and prioritise biodiversity conservation D. All of the above

50.  Action plan is:
A. Indetification of key high priority sites and species for conservation based on criteria developed during the study and development of the strategy for the conservation of Biodiversity B. Based on above and the strategy, development of a long term planning process including monitoring and evaluation systems to measure changes in biodiversity over time
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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