CSS :: Social Forestry

11.  Agroforestry the definition implies that:
A. Agroforestry normally involves two or more species of plants at least one of which is a woody perennial B. An agroforestry system always has two or more outputs
C. The cycle of an agroforestry system is always more than one year D. All of the above

12.  Additionally, there are attributes, which, theoretically, all agroforestry system posses are:
A. Productivity B. Sustainability
C. Adoptability D. All of the above

13.  Agroforestry systems can be categorized to sets of criteria:
A. Structural basis B. Functional basis
C. Socio-economic basis D. Ecological basis
E. All of the above    

14.  The framework for classification of Agroforestry System and practices are:
A. Structure of the system (nature and arrangement of components) B. Function of the system (role and output of components)
C. Socio-economic seals and management levels of the system D. All of the above

15.  The major categories of agroforestry are:
A. Agrisilvicultural B. Silvopastoral
C. Agrosilvopastoral D. All of the above

16.  What are (MPTs)?
A. The multipurpose tree and shrubs could be defined as trees grown deliberately B. Kept and manaed for preferably more than one intended use
C. Usually economically motivated major products D. Services in any multipurpose land use system, especially agroforestry system
E. All of the above    

17.  The multiple Benefits of MPTs are:
A. The trees with many uses would be preferred to those with one single use B. But in a broad sense every tree has at least the triple functions of protective, productive and socio-economic roles
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

18.  Protective (environment) are:
A. Moderation of micro/macro climatic parameters, checking soil erosion and water run-off B. Soil improvement/fertility build up, water conservation and flow moderation
C. Wildlife habitats D. Past and weed control
E. All of the above    

19.  Productive means:
A. Wood: timber, building material, veneers, chipboards and other panel products, pulp and paper, rayon etc. B. Bark: Raw as fuel, dyes, tannis and chemical extraction etc
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

20.  Energy means:
A. Raw: Firewood B. Processed: Charcoal, gases or liquid fuels, chemical stem extractives, resin, oil, paint, varnishes
C. Leaf: Tatch, fodder, oil, silk, wrapper, medicines, honey, dyes, food D. Root: Fibre, fuelwood, dyes, and chemical extractives
E. All of the above    

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