CSS :: Importance of Trees

31.  Trees as source of food is:
A. Wild fruits and nuts B. Trees as source of protein
C. Honey from trees D. Mushrooms - a delicacy
E. All of the above    

32.  A large variety of wild fruits and nuts is obtained from the:
A. Coniferous forests B. Foot-hills
C. Irrigated plantations D. Desert areas
E. All of the above    

33.  The most important species yielding these fruits are:
A. Berberis lycium (Rasaunt) B. Cordia myxa (Lasura)
C. Diospyros lotus (Amlok) D. Embtica officinalis (Amla)
E. All of the above    

34.  Trees as source of protein by which way:
A. Forests are the natural habitat of all wildlife B. A large variety of trees, shrubs and grasses in different ecological zones
C. Which should support a large number of birds, mammals and reptiles for cover as well as food D. All of the above

35.  Honey from trees is how obtained :
A. Rearing of bees for honey is a very lucrative income generating industry B. Well suited to the way of life of the rural population and a very useful source of much needed additional income to the farmer
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

36.  Honey bees collect ectar and pollen from about 500 wild and cultivated plant species including:
A. Trees shrubs, herbs, anhnuals B. And cultivated crops such as Acacias, Cassias, Eucalypts, Albizzias, Cherries, Dalbergia
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

37.  The black mushrooms (Morchella spp) are being collected from the temperate forest areas of ________
A. Murree B. Gallies
C. Kaghan D. Swat
E. All of the above    

38.  Feed for the livestock from ranges and forest is:
A. 100 million cattle, sheep, goats, camel, donkeys, horses, yaks B. And other kind of livestock thrive on the natural vegetation growing in the forest areas making use of a forest product
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

39.  Fodder from trees is:
A. When grass is scarce, millions of hungry livestock has to fall back upon fodder trees B. While oaks, horse chestnut, birdcherry, poplars, robinia etc
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

40.  _____ the new introductions in the Thal desert have shown promise and should be planted on a large scale to serve as a hedge against calamities:
A. A. Modestia B. A. Tortilis
C. A. Victoria D. All of the above

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