CSS :: Forest Mensuration

21.  Measurement of Diameter several instruments are used for measuring the diameters of trees depending on such circumstances as the position and condition of the part of the tree that is to be measured, the degree of accuracy required, and the portability, etc., of the instrument :
A. The Rule B. The caliper
C. The Diameter Tape D. Dendrometers
E. All of the above    

22.  Measurement of height there are many instruments, which can be used for this purpose; some of them are well suited to certain conditions and unsuited to others:
A. The transit B. The Abney Level
C. The Forest Service Hypsometer D. The Christen Hypsometer
E. All of the above    

23.  Measurement of volume is conducted by which method / methods:
A. Xylometer B. The top
C. The stump D. Entire trees
E. All of the above    

24.  Measurement of age is normally determined by:
A. From record B. From general appearance
C. From branch whorls D. From annual rings
E. All of the above    

25.  Kinds of volume tables is / are:
A. General Volume tables B. Local Volume Tables
C. Form Quotient Volume Tables D. All of the above

26.  General Volume Tables is / are:
A. Standard volume tables B. Commercial volume tables
C. Assortment tables D. Sawn outturn assortment tables
E. All of the above    

27.  Local Volume Tables is / are:
A. Which are applicable to the more restricted range of dimensions occurring in a given coupe, compartment B. Felling series and can be derived from the general volume tables
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

28.  Compilation of general standard volume tables is / are :
A. Field works B. Number of trees
C. Measurments D. Computations
E. All of the above    

29.  Field work includes:
A. Selection of trees B. Trees of typical height and development should be selected in crops covering the range of distribution to which the results are to be applied
C. Trees with abnormal defects such as fork, broken top, etc. D. Separate sets of trees may be required for different methods of thinning, origin of crops, etc.
E. All of the above    

30.  The number of trees required as a basis for a satisfactory table depends upon:
A. The grouping adopted B. The precision required
C. The deviations of individuals tree volumes from the means in each group. D. All of the above

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