CSS :: Pollution

21.  The cause of water pollution?
A. Smoke B. 2, 4-D and pesticides
C. Automobile exhaust D. Aeroplanes

22.  Which of the following, when inhaled dissolves in the blood haemoglobin rapidly then O2?
A. SO2 B. CO
C. N2O D. O3

23.  CO is harmful to human being because:
A. It decreases CO2 concentration B. It competes O2 to combine with haemoglobin
C. It is carcinogenic D. It depletes O3 layer

24.  Acid rain is mainly caused by increased concentration (in atmosphere) of:
A. Ozone and dust B. NH3 and SO3
C. CO and SO3 D. NO2 and SO2

25.  Ozone layer in stratosphere is effected by:
A. Excess CO2 B. Excess CO
C. Chloro-fluoro-carbon D. Low rainfall

26.  Which one of the following insecticides is the most persistent in soil?
A. Malathion B. Aldrin
C. Gamma BHC D. None of these

27.  Gases commonly referred to as 'green house gases' are:
A. CH4, N2, CO2 and NH3 B. CO2, O2, NO2 and NH3
C. Chloro-fluoro-carbons, CO2, NH3 and N2 D. CO2, chloro-fluoro-carbons, CH4 and NO2

28.  Which of the following is not an important atmospheric pollutant?
A. CO B. SO2
C. CO2 D. Hydrocarbons

29.  Today, concentration of green house gases is high because of:
A. Use of refrigerator B. Increased combustion of oil and coal
C. Deforestation D. All the above

30.  The presence of O3 in atmosphere of earth:
A. Has been responsible for increasing the average global temperature in recent B. Is advantageous since it supplies O2 for people travelling in jets
C. Hinders higher rate of photosynthesis D. Helps in checking the penetration of ultra violet rays to earth

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