CSS :: Pollution

11.  Checking of re-radiating heat by atmospheric dust water vapour, ozone, CO2 is known as:
A. Green house effect B. Radioactive effect
C. Ozone layer effect D. Solar effect

12.  The component of a living cell affected by the pollutant SO2 is:
A. Nucleus B. All cell membrane system
C. Cell wall D. Plasmodesmata

13.  Some reliable indicators of air pollutants (SO2 and noxious gases) are:
A. Ferns and Cycas B. Green algae and aquatic liverworts
C. Lichens and mosses D. Neem' tree and Eichhornia

14.  water pollution is caused by:
A. Decay of bodies of aquatic organisms B. Rain
C. Growth of phytoplankton D. Industrial effluents

15.  This acts as bioindicator of air pollution:
A. Alga B. Lichen
C. Pinus D. Mustard
E. Fern    

16.  The atmospheric pollution is caused by:
A. O3 B. CO
C. CO2 D. N2

17.  The percentage of run off water reaching the ocean and evaporation into atmosphere is respectively:
A. 27 & 73 B. 73 & 27
C. 37 & 63 D. 63 & 37

18.  Air pollution is maximum caused by:
A. Sewage and industrial effluents B. Household detergents and pesticides
C. Automobile exhausts and chemicals from industry D. Sewage and pesticides

19.  Sewage water can be purified for recycling with the action of:
A. Aquatic plants B. Penicillin
C. Micro-organisms D. Fishes

20.  Photochemical smog is related to the pollution of:
A. Soil B. Water
C. Noise D. Air

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