CSS :: Population Biotic Community

41.  Mark the pioneer in a hydrosere:
A. Diatoms B. Najas
C. Zanichellia D. Lemna

42.  In a hydrosere, the submered stage is followed by:
A. Phytoplanktons B. Reed-swamps
C. Sedges D. Floating plants

43.  The biotic factor not involved in the succession:
A. Human beings B. Non-pathogenic microbes
C. Pathogenic microbes D. Grazing animals

44.  The woodland stage in a hydrosere has predominance of plants like:
A. Eleocharis, Fimbristylis B. Salix, Populus
C. Ranunculus, Polygonum D. Acer, Ulmus

45.  Which of the following is a piopcer in a lithosere?
A. Hypnuma B. Parmelia
C. Lecanora D. Barbula

46.  Primary succession refers to the development of communities on a:
A. Pond freshly filled with water after a dry phase B. Freshly cleared crop fields
C. Newly exposed habitat with no record of earlier vegetation D. Forest clearing after devastating free

47.  The nature of climax community ultimately depends upon:
A. Climate B. Soil organism
C. Bed rock D. Pool of available nutrients

48.  The sequence: blue green algae - crustose lichen - foliose lichen - mosses - shrubs - dicot trees represent
A. Genetic drift B. Ecological succession trend
C. A food pyramid D. A phylogenetic trend

49.  Which of the following communities is more vulnerable to invasion by outside animals and plants?
A. Mangroves B. Tropical evergreen forests
C. Temperate forests D. Oceanic island communities

50.  Which part of the world has a high density of organism?
A. Greenlands B. Savannahas
C. Deciduous forests D. Tropical rain forest

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