CSS :: Population Biotic Community

31.  According to polyclimax hypothesis, the climax stage is controlled by:
A. Edaphic factors B. Biotic factors
C. Topographic factors D. All of these

32.  The ecological succession occurring as population 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 indicates
A. Cyclic succession B. Induced succession
C. Retrogressive succession D. Allogenic succession

33.  In a hydrosere the plants like Carex, Cyperus, and Juncus appear just after a community comprising:
A. Lemna, Wolffia, Spirodela B. Nuphar, Nelumbo, Victoria
C. Scirpus, Typha, Sagittaria D. Najas, Ceratophyllum, Elodea

34.  Mark the correct sequence of events occurring during ecological succession:
A. Nudation ? ecesis ? aggregation ? migration B. Migartion ? ecesis ? aggregation ? nudation
C. Nudation ? migration ? ecesis ? aggregation D. Nudation ? ecesis ? migration ? aggregation

35.  The direction of succession is:
A. Predictable B. Unpredictable
C. Hephazard D. Always changing

36.  Mark the climatic cause for the initiation of succession:
A. Erosion B. Drought
C. Deposition D. Micro-organisms

37.  Due to modification of the environment by the plant community itself, when one community is replaced by another suitable community, the succession is called:
A. Induced B. Deflated
C. Allogenic D. Autogenic

38.  The effect of individuals of the same species upon each other is called:
A. Reaction B. Competition
C. Coaction D. Ecesis

39.  The ultimate seral community appears in an area as a result of:
A. Reaction B. Nudation
C. Invasion D. Ecesis

40.  When the process of succession sidetracks the advancement line, it is called:
A. Primary B. Deflated
C. Secondary D. Induced

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