CSS :: Forest Types and Geographical Distribution

21.  Sub-tropical pine forest depict:
A. High forest in which Pinus roxburghii (Chir) forms practically whole of the top canopy B. Which may be upto 37.5 m. High with trees upto 2.0 or 2.5 m. In girth
C. The pine canopy tends to be nearly even aged over compact areas sometimes of considerable extent D. All of the above

22.  Chir forests are near the western limit of their range in Pakistan and they extend eastwards upto _________
A. Bhutan B. Sri Lanka
C. Nepal D. Afghanistan

23.  Dry sub-tropical broad-leaved forests having:
A. Low forest of branchy trees forming a canopy B. Varying in density from complete closure
C. Under the most favourable conditions to scattered single trees or groups on the driest sites D. Typically field in with a shrub growth which similarly varies in density
E. All of the above    

24.  Tropical dry deciduous forest having:
A. An open rather low forest composed B. A few trees of the thorn forest type
C. With a predominantly deciduous shrub layer D. All of the above

25.  Tropical thorn forests are these:
A. Which thorny usually hard wooded species predominate, Acacia spp. Being particularly characteristic B. The trees usually have short boles and low branching crowns which rarely meet except on exceptionally favourable spots
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

26.  Irrigated forests are:
A. The outcome of human efforts on sub-marginal lands B. Where irrigation water could be made available
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

27.  Riverain forests are:
A. It is an important seral stage of tropical thorn forest type. B. It forms a fairly complete canopy 12-15 m. High
C. Which Acacia arabica jusually strongly predominates with varying amounts of Populus euphratica D. All of the above

28.  Tamarix-Poplar Forest is a dense thicket of Tamarix spp. With varying number of poplar trees are distributed on fresh silt alluvium of the riverain tract of the Indus between Muzaffargarh and Hyderabad with isolated occurrences as far north as _________
A. Peshawar B. Mardan
C. Swat D. Gilgit

29.  Tropical littoral and swamp forests is/are:
A. Tidal Swamp Forests B. Littoral Grassland
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

30.  Tidal Swamp Forests is/are:
A. More or less dense forest of very low average height B. Only 3-6 m
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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