Entry Test MCQ :: ADVERBS

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1.  Not once Lincoln has been painted smiling.
A. not once B. Lincoln has
C. been D. painted smiling

2.  Wholly artificial insemination has contributed to the quality of maintaining dairy herds.
A. wholly B. artificial insemination
C. has contributed D. maintaining dairy herds

3.  Thor Heyerdahl worked diligent to prove his theory of cultural diffusion.
A. Thor Heyerdahl worked B. diligent
C. to prove D. theory of cultural diffusion

4.  The British fleet arrived lately.
A. the British B. fleet
C. arrived D. lately

5.  When the chemicals inside a cell not longer produce ions the cell stops functioning.
A. when the chemical B. inside a cell
C. not longer D. produce ions

6.  The common goldfish may live as long twenty-five years.
A. the common goldfish B. may live
C. as long D. twenty-five years

7.  When a mechanic working at odd job, Elisha Otis invented the elevator.
A. when the chemical B. mechanic working
C. at odd job D. invented the elevator

8.  Not until the late Middle Ages glass did become a major construction material.
A. Not until the late Middle Ages B. glass did become
C. a major D. construction material

9.  Adam none longer works here.
A. Adam B. none longer
C. works D. here

10.  I was very homesick when a student abroad.
A. I was B. very homesick
C. when D. a student abroad

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