CSS :: Economic Growth and Development

41.  The justification of the 'big-push' strategy, which involves concentrated efforts in the form of investments on a large scale, is based on:
A. Indivisibilities of demand B. Complimentarily of demand
C. Skill formulation D. All of the above

42.  The capital-output ratio in developed countries is:
A. Generally fluctuating B. Fairly stable
C. Rigidly stationary D. Gradually increasing

43.  The incremental capital-output ratio (ICOR) refers to the:
A. Ratio of investment to change in output B. Ratio of capital stock to the total output
C. Marginal productivity of capital D. Relationship between investment that is financed by the citizens of a country and the income enjoyed by them

44.  The capital-output ratio is determined by:
A. Sectoral allocation of capital B. Level of economic activity
C. Human and natural resources D. All of the above

45.  Which growth model inspired the use of capital-output ratio for development planning?
A. The Harrod-Domar model B. Solow's mode
C. Kaldor's model D. Feldman's model

46.  The capital-output ratio in a country during the different phases of growth:
A. Remains unchanged B. Fluctuates widely
C. Changes within narrow limits D. Shows a secular declining trend

47.  As an aid to development planning, much use is being made today of the input-output analysis. Who first used it?
A. H. Liebenstein B. W.W.Leontief
C. W.A.Lewis D. A.O.Hirshman

48.  Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. The essence of balanced growth is that the economy should advance at a steady rate with savings equal to investment B. The thesis of development with unlimited supplies of labour was originally formulated by R. Nurkse
C. The capital-output ratio is the inverse of the annual rate of return on productivity of capital D. E.D. Domar assumed that full employment of labour and capital occurred simulataneously

49.  Balanced growth implies:
A. Simultaneous development of a variety of activities, which support one another B. Equal allocation of resources to different sectors
C. Different sectors growing at their natural rates of growth D. Uniform rate of growth of output over time

50.  Development with unlimited supplies of labour hypothesis was originally formulated by:
A. Gustav Ranis B. W.A.Lewis
C. R. Nurkse D. J.Schumpeter

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