Engineering :: Surveying

1.  In plane surveying,
A. The curvature of the earth is taken into consideration B. the surveys extend over small areas
C. the surveys extend over large areas

2.  In geodetic surveying, the curvature of the earth is taken into consideration.
A. Agree B. Disagree

3.  The curvature of the earth is taken into consideration if the limit of survey is
A. 50 to 100 km2 B. 100 to 200 km2
C. 200 to 250 km2 D. more than 250 km2

4.  The difference is length between the arc and the subtended chord on the surface of the earth for a distance of 18.2 km is only
A. 10 mm B. 30 mm
C. 50 mm D. 100 mm

5.  The difference between the sum of the angles of a apherical triangle on the earth's surface and the angles of the corresponding plane triangle for every 195.5 km2 of area is only
A. 1 second B. 5 second
C. 10 second D. 15 second

6.  In order to determine the natural features such as valleys, rivers, lakes etc., the surveying preferred is
A. city surveying B. location surveying
C. cadastral surveying D. topographical surveying

7.  The reconnaissance surveying is carried out to determine the artificial features such as roads, railways, canals, buildings etc.
A. True B. False

8.  The surveying used to determine additional details such as boundaries of fields, is called
A. city surveying B. location surveying
C. cadastral surveying D. topographical surveying

9.  The fundamental principle of surveying is to work from the
A. whole to the part B. part to the whole
C. lower level to higher level D. higher level to lower level

10.  The working from whole to the part is done in surveying in order to ensure that
A. survey work is completed more quickly B. number of errors is minimum
C. plotting is done more quickly D. errors and mistakes of one portion do not affect the remaining portion

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