Engineering :: Concrete Technology

11.  In lime concrete, lime is used as
A. coarse aggregate B. fine aggregate
C. binding material D. admixture

12.  The type of lime used in lime concrete is
A. fat lime B. poor lime
C. slaked lime D. hydraulic lime

13.  A good concrete should have minimum thermal expansion.
A. Yes B. No

14.  The lime concrete has
A. less B. more
C. same

15.  The usual proportion of ingredients in plain cement concrete is
A. Portland cement (1 part), clean sand (1 B. Portland cement (1 part), clean sand (3 to 16 parts) and coarse aggregate (1
C. Porland cement (1 part), clean sand and coarse aggregate (1 D. any one of the above

16.  The usual proportion of ingredients in reinforced cement concrete is
A. Portland cement (1 part), clean sand (2 to 4 parts) and coarse aggregate (1 to 2 parts) B. Portland cement (1 part), clean sand (1 to 2 parts) and coarse aggregate (2 to 4 parts)
C. Porland cement (1 part), clean sand and coarse aggregate (2 to 4 parts) D. any one of the above

17.  Ferro-concrete is another name given to
A. plain cement concrete B. reinforced cement concrete
C. prestressed cement concrete D. none of these

18.  Reinforced cement concrete is equally strong in taking
A. tensile and compressive stresses B. compressive and shear stresses
C. tensile, compressive and shear stresses D. tensile and shear stresses

19.  Plain cement concrete is strong in taking
A. tensile stress B. compressive stress
C. shear stress D. all of these

20.  In flooring of building, prestressed cement concrete is commonly used.
A. Right B. Wrong

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