Engineering :: Building Materials

1.  The rocks formed due to solidification of molten mass laying below or above the earth surface, are called
A. aqueous rocks B. sedimentary rocks
C. metamorphic rocks D. igneous rocks

2.  The sedimentary rocks are formed due to
A. solidification of molten mass lying below or above the earth surface B. gradual deposition of materials like sand, clay, etc., generally by setting water
C. alteration of original structure under heat and excessive pressure D. none of the above

3.  The rocks formed due to alteration of original structure under heat and excessive pressure are called metamorphic rocks.
A. Agree B. Disagree

4.  Granite is an example of
A. aqueous rocks B. sedimentary rocks
C. metamorphic rocks D. igneous rocks

5.  Igeous rock has
A. crystalline, glossy or fused texture B. foliated structure which is hard and durable
C. layers of different composition, colour and structure D. none of the above

6.  Laterite is chemically classified as
A. caleareous rock B. argillaceous rock
C. sillcious rock D. metamorphic rock

7.  The calcareour rocks have
A. lime or calcium carbonate B. clay or alumina

8.  Gneiss is chemically classified as
A. calcareous rock B. argillaceous rock
C. silicious rock D. none of these

9.  Which of the following is an example of agrillaceous rock?
A. Kaolin B. Slate
C. Laterite D. all of these

10.  Which of the following is an example of silicious rock?
A. Granite B. Gneiss
C. Quartzite D. all of these

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