Entry Test MCQ :: Group III A and IVA Elements

21.  Boron is non metal while other elements of IIIA group are metals. This is because
A. it has small size B. it has high nuclear charge
C. it forms molecular addition compounds D. all of the above

22.  CO2 is gas while SiO2 is solid at room temperature.
A. carbon is non-metal while silicon is semi-metal B. CO2 is an independent molecule while SiO2 has network covalent structure
C. CO2 forms multiple bond while silicon does not form multiple bonds D. Silicon has all sigma bonds

23.  The coloured glassy mass in borax bead test is due to the formation of
A. metal borate B. metal meta borate
C. metal boride D. metal silicate

24.  Identify the correct statement regarding CO
A. it combines with H2O to form carbonic acid B. it reacts with red blood cells of haemoglobin
C. it is powerful oxidizing agent D. it is used to prepare aerated drinks

25.  The chief ore of A? is:
A. Na3A?F6 B. A?2O32H2O
C. A?2O3H2O D. A?2O33H2O

26.  If temperature of gallium arsenide is increased then its conductivity will
A. decrease B. increase
C. remains constant D. first decreases then increases

27.  Boric acid cannot be used
A. As antiseptic in medicine B. For washing eyes
C. In soda bottles D. For enamel and glazes

28.  Which of the following will decompose to produce litharge
A. Pb2O B. Pb3O4
C. PbO2 D. All of the above

29.  Which element can form tripositive ion?
A. Beryllium B. Carbon
C. Silicon D. Aluminium

30.  Which of the following is metasilicic acid?
A. H2SnO3 B. H2SiO3
C. H3AsO4 D. H3SbO4

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