Entry Test MCQ :: Chemical Bonding

1.  The relative attraction of the nucleus for the electrons in a chemical bond is called
A. Ionization energy B. Electron affinity
C. Electro negativity D. None of the above

2.  The ionization energy
A. Generally increases from left to right in a period B. Does not change in a period
C. Increase from top to bottom in a group D. Does not change in a group

3.  Which of the following will have highest value of electron affinity
A. F B. Cl
C. Br D. I

4.  Which type of bond is formed by overlap of p orbitals
A. Pi (?) B. Sigma(?)
C. Both D. Neither

5.  The octet rule does not always hold for which of the following elements
A. C B. O
C. F D. P

6.  Which of the solid does not contain covalent bond
A. Copper B. Ice
C. Diamond D. Graphite

7.  Which of the following is the best explanation that CO2 is non polar molecule
A. Linear geometry B. Dipole moment is zero
C. Sp hybridization D. None

8.  Shielding effect across the period
A. Increases B. Decreases
C. Constant D. None

9.  Which one is not the absolute term of the element?
A. Ionization energy B. Electron affinity
C. Electro negativity D. Atomic size

10.  Which one has maximum number of unpaired electrons?
A. 6X B. 7Y
C. 9Z D. 13W

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