Entry Test MCQ :: Basic Concept

1.  Diameter of an atom is in the order of
A. 0.2m B. 0.2mm
C. 0.2nm D. 0.2pm

2.  Which of the following are isoelectronic species?
A. H+ H H- B. Li+ Na+ K+
C. C1- Br- I D. F- Ne Na+

3.  Mass spectrometer is used to determine Mass number of isotopes and
A. Atomic number B. Relative abundance
C. Electronic configuration D. All of the above

4.  Molecular ions are formed by passing
A. High energy electron beam B. ? - particle
C. X-rays D. All of the above

5.  The number of peaks obtained in mass spectrometry shows
A. Relative abundance B. Average mass of element
C. Number of isotopes D. Relative isotopic mass

6.  Empirical formula of chloroform is
A. CH2 C12 B. CH3C1
C. CC14 D. CHC13

7.  Which one is true about isotope?
A. Same number of neutrons B. Same mass number
C. Same physical properties D. Same chemical properties

8.  Molecular mass of water (18g) means
A. 1-mole molecules of water B. 1-gram molecule of water
C. 3-gram atoms D. all

9.  Which of the following ion formation is always exothermic?
A. Uni-negative B. Uni-positive
C. Di-negative D. Di-positive

10.  Which of the following statements about isotopes is correct?
A. Isotopes with odd atomic number are abundant B. Isotopes with odd atomic number and even mass number are abundant
C. Isotopes with even atomic number and even mass number are abundant D. Isotopes with even atomic number and odd mass no are abundant

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