Entry Test MCQ :: Alkyl Halides

11.  Which alkyl halide out of the following may follow both SN1 and SN2 mechanism?
A. CH3-X B. (CH3)3 C-CH2 - X
C. (CH3)2 CH - X D. (CH3)3 C - X

12.  In elimination reactions of alkyl halide which site is more susceptible for the attack of base
A. ? - carbon B. ? - carbon
C. ? - hydrogen D. ? - hydrogen

13.  When two moles of ethyl chloride react with two moles of sodium in the presence of ether what will be formed?
A. 2 moles of ethane B. 1 mole of ethane
C. 2 moles of butane D. 1 mole of butane

14.  The ether used in Wurtz synthesis is
A. acidic B. basic
C. aqueous D. dry

15.  When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesium iodide followed by acid hydrolysis the product formed is
A. propane B. propanoic acid
C. propanal D. propanol

16.  Grignard reagent is reactive due to
A. the presence of halogen atom B. the presence of magnesium atom
C. the polarity of C-Mg bond D. all

17.  SN2 reaction can be best carried out with
A. primary alkyl halide B. secondary alkyl halide
C. tertiary alkyl halide D. all

18.  Elimination bimolecular reactions involve
A. first order kinetics B. second order kinetics
C. third order kinetics D. zero order kinetics

19.  For which mechanisms the first step involved is the same?
A. E1 + E2 B. E2 + SN2
C. E1 and SN1 D. SN1 and SN2

20.  The rate of E1 reaction depends upon
A. the concentration of substrate B. the concentration of nucleophile
C. the concentration of substrate as well as nucleophile D. base the concentration of substrate as well as nucleophile

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