Engineering :: Instrumentation and Process Control

1.  Which of the following is a static characteristic of instruments?
A. Fidelity B. Time lag
C. Dynamic error D. Reproducibility

2.  Which of the following is a dynamic characteristic of instruments?
A. Time lag B. Drift
C. Reproducibility D. Span

3.  Which one of the following static characteristics of instruments is undesirable?
A. Accuracy B. Reproducibility
C. Sensitivity D. Drift

4.  Which one of the following static characteristics of instruments is desirable?
A. Static error B. Drift
C. Reproducibility D. Dead zone

5.  Accuracy of an instrument is judged in terms of
A. drift B. dead zone
C. static error

6.  The bulb of a vapour pressure thermometer is a
A. primary element B. secondary element
C. manipulating element D. functioning element

7.  The Bourdon tube of a vapour pressure thermometer is a
A. primary element B. secondary element
C. manipulating element D. functioning element

8.  The corrector plate of a vapour pressure thermometer is
A. primary element B. secondary element
C. functioning element D. manipulating element

9.  The pointer of a vapour pressure thermometer is a
A. primary element B. secondary element
C. manipulating element D. functioning element

10.  Thermocouple in a temperature recorder is an example of
A. primary element B. secondary element
C. manipulating element D. functioning element

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