Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Solid Handling

91.  A hydrometer
A. is used to measure the absolute pressure B. uses the principle of buoyant force to determine specific gravities of liquids
C. is used to determine viscosities of liquids D. is used to measure the local atmospheric pressure

92.  Steady flow occurs
A. when the velocity at a given point changes steadily with time B. when the velocity at a given point does not change with time
C. when the velocity does not change with respect to space D. when the velocity be changed

93.  One dimensional flow is
A. one which neglects changes in transverse direction B. also known as uniform flow
C. also known as steady uniform flow D. restricted to flow in a straight line

94.  A stream line
A. is always the path of a particle B. is a line drawn in the flow region such that the tangent drawn at any point on the line indicates the direction of velocity
C. is a line drawn in the flow region such that there is mass flow across the line D. is not fixed in steady flow

95.  The continuity equation in fluid mechanics is a mathematical statement using
A. the principle of conservation of momentum B. the principle of conservation of energy
C. the principle of conservation of mass D. the principles of conservation of mass and energy

96.  The continuity equation
A. relates mass rate of flow along a stream tube B. expresses the relation between energy and work
C. requires that the Newtons second law of motion is satisfied at every point in the fluid D. relates the momentum per unit volume for two point on a stream line

97.  The velocity head representing the kinetic energy per unit weight of fluid is denoted by
A. pv2/2 B. v2/2
C. v D. v2/2g

98.  The work that a liquid is capable of doing by virtue of its sustained pressure in m N/N is
A. P/? B. P
C. ? P/? D. P/?

99.  The hydraulic grade line in pipe flow indicates the variation of
A. pressure head in the direction of flow B. velocity head in the direction of flow
C. piezometric head in the direction of flow D. elevation head in the direction of flow

100.  The total energy grade line in pipe flow is a graphical representation of Bernoullis equation and represents the sum of elevation head pressure head and velocity head measured above
A. the centre line of pipe B. the top of the pipeline
C. the bottom of the pipeline D. the arbitrary horizontal datum

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