Entry Test MCQ :: Variation and Genetics

11.  A pure breeding tall plant was crossed to dwarf plant. What would be probability of "Tt" genotype in F2
A. 0.25 B. 0.5
C. 0.75 D. 0

12.  A monohybrid cross yielded 3:1 in F2. What could be mode of inheritance?
A. Segregation B. Independent assortment
C. Both of these D. None of these

13.  If a heterozygous individual shows the complete effect of both alleles, the type of inheritance would be
A. Complete dominance B. Non dominance
C. Incomplete dominance D. Co-Dominance

14.  The gene which controls ABO group has how many alleles in an individual
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four.

15.  How many genes control Rh blood group system?
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four

16.  A man with blood group "A" marries a woman of blood group "B". Both are heterozygous. What is the off-springs having phenotype "O"
A. Zero B. 25%
C. 50% D. 75%

17.  The trait "Kernel colour in corn" in controlled by how many pairs of genes
A. One pair B. Two pairs
C. Three pairs D. Many pairs.

18.  Baldness is most frequent in
A. Men B. Women
C. Children D. Girls.

19.  In nature, Garden pea is
A. Self-fertilized B. Cross fertilized
C. Cross pollinated D. None of these

20.  The genes which do not follow law of independent assortment
A. Crossed genes B. Linked genes
C. Recessive genes D. Dominant genes

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