Entry Test MCQ :: Support and Movement

41.  If two ends of fractured bone are opened and kept united via screws and wires drilled in bone substance. This step in fracture repair is called
A. Open reduction. B. Closed Fixation.
C. Open fixation. D. Immobilization

42.  A fracture hematoma has
A. Healing properties. B. Destructive properties.
C. Neutralizing properties. D. Dead cells

43.  Which of the following cells are involved in soft callus formation?
A. Fibroblast and osteoblast. B. Osteoblast and osteoclast.
C. Osteoclast and osteocyte D. Onteocyte and osteoblast

44.  Bony callus formation completes in:
A. 2-3 weeks B. 3-4 weeks.
C. 2-3 months. D. 3-4 months.

45.  Which of the following is a uni-nucleated cell?
A. A smooth muscle cell. B. A cardiac muscle cell.
C. A skeletal muscle cell. D. All of these

46.  The contraction of which of the following muscle fibers, is controlled by hormones:
A. A smooth muscle B. A cardiac muscle
C. A skeletal muscle. D. All of these

47.  Why skeletal muscles are called striated muscles?
A. They appear darker than smooth muscles by naked eye. B. Alternating dark and light bands appear on their surface when visualized by naked eye.
C. Alternating dark and light bands appear on their surface when visualized via a microscope. D. All of these

48.  Which of the following statements is incorrect about skeletal muscle fibers?
A. They are multinucleated. B. They are 10 - 100 ?m in diameter & surrounded by sarcolemma
C. They contain O2 storing molecules called hemoglobin. D. Their cytoplasm contains high concentration of carbohydrates

49.  A smallest contractile unit of muscle contraction called sarcomere is the area between two:
A. H- zone B. M- Line
C. Z- Line D. A band

50.  Diameter of thick filament is:
A. 7 nm. B. 8 nm
C. 16nm D. 10-100 ?m.

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