Entry Test MCQ :: Support and Movement

31.  How many vertebrae are present in lumbar region?
A. 7 B. 12
C. 5 D. 4

32.  Which of the following bones are present in pectoral girdle?
A. Clavicle B. Scapula
C. Both of these D. None of these

33.  A joint formed between humerus, radius and ulna is an example of
A. Immovable joint. B. Slightly movable joint.
C. Freely movable joint. D. Fibrous joint

34.  Joint between two parietal bones, which is infact immovable one is an example of
A. Fibrous joints. B. Cartilaginous joints.
C. Synovial joints. D. None of these

35.  Fibrous capsule surrounding synovial joints may be thickened at some places to form:
A. Synovial membrane. B. Ligaments.
C. Muscles. D. Tendon

36.  In which of the following joint muscles are arranged in the same plane as that of joint?
A. Between radius and ulna. B. Between ulna and scapula
C. Between humerus and scapula D. Between femur and tibia.

37.  Which of the following hormone is predominantly responsible for bone weakening in older women?
A. Progesterone. B. Oestrogen.
C. Parathyroid hormone. D. Calcitonin.

38.  Which of the follwing is a childhood disease resulting from nutritive Ca2+ deficiency:
A. Hypocalcaemia Tatanic spasms. B. Osteomalacis.
C. Rickets. D. Tetany

39.  Which of the following statement about osteoporosis is incorrect.
A. It results from estrogen deficiency. B. Bone eating process takes over bone formation process.
C. There is reduction of bone mass and change in chemical composition of the matrix D. It is common in old age.

40.  Which of the following statements about fractures in old age is incorrect?
A. They are more common than in adult age. B. Occur as a result of bone being thin and weak.
C. Due to good blood supply it results in quick healing. D. It involves osteoblasts and osteocytes.

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