51.  Sapwood is formed from
A. Primary xylem B. Secondary xylem
C. Primary phloem D. Secondary phloem

52.  Number of cervical vertebrae is
A. 5 B. 7
C. 9 D. 12

53.  Joints present in skull are example of
A. Fibrous joints B. Cartilaginous joints
C. Synovial Joints D. Slightly moveable joints

54.  Only myosine is present in
A. A band B. 1 band
C. H zone D. Sarcomere

55.  __________ is a nervous disorder characterized by involuntary tremors, diminished motor power and rigidity.
A. Epilepsy B. Meningitis
C. Alzheimer's disease D. Parkinson's disease

56.  Which of the following hormone is polypeptide in nature
A. Insulin B. Thyroxine
C. ADH D. Cortisone

57.  Secretin inhibits production of
A. Gastric juice B. Pancreatic juice
C. Bile D. All of these

58.  Highest form of learning is
A. Latent learning B. Insight learning
C. Operant conditioning D. Instinct

59.  Far-red light promotes flowering in
A. Short day plant B. Long day plant
C. Day neutral plant D. None of these

60.  In human female, fertilization commonly occurs at
A. Proximal part of oviduct B. Distal part of oviduct
C. Uterus D. Cervix

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