41.  Ozone depletion occurs commonly due to
A. Carbon dioxide B. Chlorofluorocarbons
C. UV rays D. Deforestation

42.  The productivity of aquatic ecosystem is basically determined by light and
A. CO2 B. O2
C. Water D. Nutrients

43.  Ecosystem not found in Pakistan is
A. Tropical rain forest B. Temperate deciduous forest
C. Grassland D. Tundra

44.  Annual rainfall in grassland is about
A. More than 2500 mm B. 750-1500 mm
C. 250-750 mm D. Less than 250 mm

45.  Which of the following is most constant abiotic component of ecosystem
A. Air B. Water
C. Land D. Gravity

46.  Conversion of ammonia or ammonium ion into nitrites during nitrogen cycle occurs due to
A. Rhizobium B. Nitrosomonas
C. Nitrobacter D. Pseudomonas

47.  _______ supported theory of special creation
A. Linnaeus B. Aristotle
C. Mendel D. Lamarck

48.  In Hardy-Weinberg formula P2 represents frequency of
A. Recessive allele B. Dominant allele
C. Homozygous dominant individual D. Homozygous recessive individual

49.  Humming bird is an example of
A. Cold blooded animal B. Ectotherm
C. Endotherm D. Heterotherm

50.  In condition of high temperature, following does not occur or occurs at low level
A. Vasodilation B. Activation of sweat glands
C. Thermogenesis D. Evaporative cooling

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