Entry Test MCQ :: Kingdom Protista

11.  The drfinite shape to ciliates is given by
A. Pellicle B. Penicle
C. Calcium D. Cell wall

12.  Chalk is gradually formed of dead
A. Actinopods B. Foraminiferans
C. Apicomplexans D. Radiolarians

13.  Of the following which one has glassy shells?
A. Radiolarians B. Forams
C. Both of these D. None of these

14.  Which of the following statement is incorrect about algae?
A. Their zygote unlike plants is protected by parental tissue. B. Their classification is based on pigment composition.
C. Most of them have different morphological forms in-different stages of their life cycle. D. Almost all of them are aquatic.

15.  In which of the following pigments major energy reserves and cell wall are like plants?
A. Rhodophyta B. Chlorophyta
C. Phaeophyta D. Chrysophyta

16.  Most of the photosynthesis on earth is carried by
A. Kelps B. Gymnosperms
C. Angiosperms D. Algae

17.  The only group of algae having no flagellated motile cells at any stage is :
A. Chrysophyta B. Phaeophyta
C. Pyrrophyta D. Rhodophyta

18.  Brown algae are also known as
A. Phaeophyta B. Rhodophyta
C. Pyrrophyta D. Chrysophyta

19.  Golden algae are also known as
A. Chrysophyta B. Phaeophyta
C. Pyrrophyta D. Rhodophyta

20.  Based on molecular data euglenoids are thought to be closely related to
A. Dinoflagellates B. Zooflagellates
C. Protozoans D. Algae

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